
Hot eyes, your tease is the best price.

About Me

I don't spend very much time on Createblog.

I have pretty brown hair.

I love music, it's my life.

The most peaceful thing in the world for me is to light candles in my clean, sweet-smelling room and just listen.

The happiest I can be is when I know that I love, am loved, and have those who matter close to me.

I am a hopeless romantic.

Sometimes, I wake up in the morning because My Chemical Romance exists.
Name Alice
Gender Female
Age 15
Interested in Men
Status Single
TV scrubs, will and grace
Quotes "Fuck off, it's meese." (Enough Said. Gerard Way.) "Give me a shot to remember and you can take all the pain away from me. A kiss and I will surrender..." -The Sharpest Lives, MCR "Life is but a dream for the dead." -You know what they do to guys like us in prison, MCR "Everyday should be a good day to die." -Dave Matthews "Friends should be like a warm knit hat. They should keep you safe and warm, not unravel when you need them the most." -A friend of mine. "The best heart-breakers are the liars with a talent for apologies." -Me. Yes, I can quote myself. "Food is good for you! Unless it's not. In which case it isn't." -Another good friend of mine.


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Registered Jan 13, 2008
Last update Aug 4, 2008

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